

Launched in May 2009 as “a new way to fund ideas and endeavors,” Kickstarter is not unlike a fundraising drive for one of the world’s ailments: there’s a cause, a target dollar amount, and a ticking time limit. But Kickstarter’s campaigns are less about saving the world and more about individualistic goals, like “Get me to Venice!” or “Help me get new monitor speakers for my turntables!” campaigns.
As Kickstarter’s 33-year-old co-founder [PERRY CHEN] and CEO points out, “We’re not trying to build a system that’s based on philanthropy. Altruism is an important part of the system, but the projects offer rewards. If you give Allison $15, you get the CD, if you give her $100, she’ll play a song for you over the phone.”
Currently, the ability to post your dream is by invitation only and free, which will change in early Fall. the entries will be open to the public with a just listing fee. Peep, and a dreamer off a buck while you’re there.

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